Cyber Security Professional Funny Job Description T-Shirt

A great t-shirt for anyone who works in cybersecurity, celebrating their sarcasm, temperament, and of course the fact they’re always right!

Available on: Amazon
Sizes Available: S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL
Design available on: T-Shirt
Designed By: Original Nerdshizzle Design
Colors Available: Various

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Cyber Security professionals are a special bunch. Hard workers. Require lots of coffee. Full of sarcasm. Always right. And definitely not hackers! We are celebrating these special people with this “job description” t-shirt that celebrates everything we love about this one of a kind job.

A great t-shirt for anyone who works in cyber security, including network security, “infosec” or any other related job.

Features – on front – “Requires coffee. Not a ‘hacker’. Trusts no one. Always right. Warning: sarcasm inside. Labeled as such because ninja computer whisperer not an ‘acceptable job title’. Rated R for language. 100% organic. Caution: Becomes red when angry.”

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